As a dentist, working to give your patients’ a great smile is part of your job, but what about making them smile with great customer service? Customer service is a vital part of keeping your dental practice thriving, which is why Clinics is offering a detailed customer service training course to help you improve the customer service in your dental practice.

During our customer service workshop, you learn the top customer service skills that keep your patients smiling long after they’ve left the dentist chair. Powerful customer service training equips you with skills related to communication, efficiency behind the scenes, and positive customer interaction before, during, and after their appointments. The customer service training course for dental practices focuses on the specific challenges that dental practices face.

The dental customer service workshop allows your dental practice or clinic to adopt customer service techniques that leave your patients feeling well-taken care of, both clinically and personally. The workshop covers customer service skills like:

  • Efficient scheduling
  • Clear, consistent communication
  • Making patients feel at ease and welcome
  • Empathy
  • Time management
  • Professional and positive body language
  • Active listening
  • Adaptability
  • Take responsibility if errors occur
  • Remaining objective